um ... what's with the "." after the directory perms?

Chris Adams cmadams at
Thu Mar 5 16:23:57 UTC 2009

Once upon a time, Patrick O'Callaghan <pocallaghan at> said:
> I decided to report this, but I can't figure out which component to file
> it against. There a BZ page for documentation bugs, but nothing
> specifically mentions man pages (or info). Or is one expected to file it
> against the actual command ('ls')?

BZ entries are filed against the source package that provides the
program in question.  You can find that with (in bash):

$ rpm --qf '%{sourcerpm}\n' -qf $(type -P ls)

Note that the first "qf" has two dashes before it while the second has
one dash.

So, you'd file a bug with "ls" against "coreutils".

Chris Adams <cmadams at>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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