Can't stop log

Bill Davidsen davidsen at
Tue May 5 20:46:04 UTC 2009

max wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 02:19:34PM -0700, Antonio Olivares wrote:
>>> -- 
>> Martin first reported the shutdown troubles here:
>> and posted his hardware as well.  
>> I have encountered this on several of my rawhide machines, but not all of them :)
>> One which I did encounter this is :
>> and this one too:
> The only common element that jumps out at me is that all the machines have wireless interfaces. A source of trouble with linux if ever there was one, however I have just been bitten by this bug for the first time now,make that twice. This box doesn't have wireless so there goes that idea. Its the xserver i'm guessing, it hangs when I logout from ssh too but only if I use an app like gthumb or firefox. If I only run emacs then no problems it just logs right out. Reminds me to follow up on the other thread since FF works now. Anyone know what emacs does different from a graphical presentation standpoint than say FF or gThumb?It would seem that it does something the others do not when it closes its  window. Since this isn't a problem from the console or shutting down from gdm, I would guess Xserver issue but I don't recall if anyone mentioned their desktop enviro or not, is this affecting KDE and XFCE as well? Anyway its just a guess since I could fit what I know about thr xse
rver on a business card in large fonts :^)
No, I see it on one laptop, one server, one little Shuttle firewall box, and KVM 
virtual machines. I see it in both 32 and 64 bit versions. What mine  have in 
common is that they are running GNOME, nothing more.

THIS JUST IN: I installed the new stuff which came in overnight, kernel, 
initscripts, selinux policy, plymouth, lots of possibly related stuff. Since the 
upgrade shutdown and reboot have worked flawlessly. tested in the VM (never 
rebooted before), the laptop (64 bit) and the firewall (32 bit).

Smells pretty good to me. Confirmation please? Or am I just lucky?

Bill Davidsen <davidsen at>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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