Bluetooth enable in fc11?

Kåre Fiedler Christiansen fedora at
Sun May 24 07:46:27 UTC 2009

On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 21:23, Bill Davidsen <davidsen at> wrote:
> drago01 wrote:


>> When a BT device is plugged in / detected you should see an icon in
>> the notification-area.
> I agree, only it doesn't work that way. I was looking for a tool like
> Windows has, which enumerates the BT devices in the area, clearly support
> hasn't prograssed that far. Like iwlist for wifi, to get the info which is
> available instead of what NetworkMangler thinks you are allowed to see.

If it doesn't, my guess is your bluetooth hardware isn't actually recognised.
I'm not exactly an expert at this, but you can try to see if there is
actually a bluetooth kernel module loaded.
If my case, I have a line if I do "lspci" that gives me

bluetooth              48608  11 rfcomm,bnep,sco,l2cap,btusb

You could also look in the output of "dmesg" to look for any messages
about bluetooth, to see if the kernel module is loaded.

>> The rightclick menu offers different things you can do with bluetooth,
>> it also provides a wizard for setting up new devices.
> I would settle for totally manual method if it worked, actually prefer it so
> I could see where it doesn't work.

Have you tried "hcitool" and the other commands starting with hci? It
sounds to me like they are exactly what you are requesting.

If you get things working with those tools, and bluetooth doesn't work
out of the box in F11 (and indeed F10) you should probably file a bug.

Kåre Fiedler Christiansen

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