Un-asked-for-language support

John Summerfield debian at herakles.homelinux.org
Wed Nov 25 00:40:31 UTC 2009

Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> On 11/25/2009 05:53 AM, Jim Haynes wrote:

> Almost none of these have any dependencies requiring
>> their presence.  Would someone please investigate why all
>> these get installed by default with recent distributions?
> It is installed by default to provide the broadest possible locale
> support out of the box. For users of these locales, doing it
> post-installation is often difficult.

As I mentioned in another thread yesterday, currently it's not possible 
to prevent this.

I don't see why an Australian user (for example) should automatically 
get all the middle-eastern and asian fonts. It is true we have a 
significant Vietnamese community here in WA, they should be able to 
_ask_ for their language support during installed.



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