first experience with f12 beta

Benjamin Kosnik bkoz at
Wed Oct 21 17:11:47 UTC 2009

> *** An error occured during the file system check.
> 	*** ...
> 		*** ...
> 			*** ...
> 				Give root password for maintenance
> 					(or type Control-D to
> continue):
> Indent looks weird but who cares. Now if I press ANY key I get:
> 	Login incorrect.
> 		Give root password for maintenance
> 			(or type Control-D to continue):
> Control-D does not work and I can't type root password. How can I
> boot normally?

This happened to me.

>From digging down, it looks like on shutdown something in f12 beta sets
the last mounted time +6 hrs into the future on the root or boot
partition. When you re-boot, you get the weird behavior because the root
partition cannot be mounted because the last modified time is in the

You can work around this by

1) waiting 6 hrs and then booting
2) setting the clock ahead in the BIOS and re-booting


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