allowable size of live images

Andre Robatino andre at
Fri Apr 2 20:17:43 UTC 2010

According to

the live images are only required to be less than 1 GB (SI units = 10^9 bytes).
 In RC3, the 2 KDE live images were CD-sized.  In RC4,
F13-Beta-i686-Live-KDE.iso is exactly 700 MiB = 700*1024^2 bytes.  Creating a
zero-byte file of this size with the command

dd if=/dev/zero of=dummy-file bs=2048 count=358400

and then running

ls -sh dummy-file

shows a size of 701M.  Are the KDE live images still required to be CD-sized,
and if so, does this image pass the test?  Running

ls -lh dummy-file

instead shows a size of 700M.  Should the test use -l instead of -s?

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