Installing fedora while running fedora?

Adam Miller maxamillion at
Fri Dec 3 15:14:08 UTC 2010

On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 08:39:34PM +1100, Rodd Clarkson wrote:
> Okay, just to clear things up, I'm not trying to install Fedora in a
> currently running fedora.
> I'm trying to install Fedora on other partitions while still running.

I suggest giving febootstrap[0] a peak, I haven't actually pulled off an
install like this (mainly because I haven't had a use case but now I
kinda want to try it out) but I imagine its something that could be
accomplished. You'll need to create a filesystem by hand and mount the
other partition, but from there febootstrap should do the trick. Its not
"supported" and its somewhat round about but something about it seems
like a fun solution.

Happy hacking,


P.S. - febootstrap is in the official repos, so grab it via the package
manager instead of mucking around with the source ;)

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