LiveInst does not recognize existing LV layout

Martin Sourada martin.sourada at
Sun Feb 28 20:41:59 UTC 2010


I'm playing with the thought of installing Rawhide (the frozen one; it's
the time of year for me to start testing it again) and the quickest way
seemed to download a nightly snapshot of desktop live, weep F11
partition (I dual boot with F12) and install on it. However, I have all
the partitions, sans /boot, in a LV Group... And the live installer does
not seem to be able to reuse it and since I want to wipe only two
partitions out of the four in the lvg, I'm stuck. 

In more detail -- I've chosen custom layout and the installer detected
two partitions -- ext3 /boot and physical lvm partition, but not the
volume group and volumes inside it :( Gnome tools see those partitions
though and are able to mount them without issues...

So, I figured it would be best to ask here first whether this is
expected (or if it might be issue on my side) and if not, I'll file a
bug report.

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