What is this mega-dvd-test?

Bruno Wolff III bruno at wolff.to
Sun Oct 31 18:22:49 UTC 2010

On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 14:16:28 -0400,
  Richard Ryniker <ryniker at alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> I used an early F14 version of livecd-iso-to-disk, which may explain some
> different behavior.  There is one significant difference in how the
> script is invoked: in the F13 version, the device argument can (must?) be
> the base device, such as the /dev/sdc you used where you likely have a
> /dev/sdc1 partition allocated for a VFAT filesystem; in the F14 version
> of livecd-iso-to-disk, the device argument must be the explicit
> designation for the partition to use, as /dev/sdh1 in my case.

Both methods are supposed to work. They format the device differently.
When no partition name is used the device is supposed to look like a giant

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