F15 Pygtk2-Glade3 problem

Steven I Usdansky usdanskys at rocketmail.com
Tue Apr 26 17:05:50 UTC 2011

Encountering errors trying to create a simple gui using pygtk2 with

glade3. Top-level window is created and displays properly. When I add
a box (no more VBox and Hbox) and attempt to display the window with
its box, I get the error:

vlcgtk.py:19: Warning: cannot create instance of abstract
(non-instantiatable) type `GtkBox'
Segmentation fault (core dumped)


No problem if I manually change GtkBox to GtkVBox in the glade file.
It's clearly bugzilla time, but against which component?
Steve Usdansky

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