Peer cert error during netinstall

Kamil Paral kparal at
Mon Feb 21 17:12:56 UTC 2011

----- Original Message -----
> I'm hitting an issue with netinstall and DVD install on F15 i386
> (tried
> TC2, 20110220 nightly) that I can't reproduce on a VM. I'm going to
> try
> another physical machine to verify that it isn't HW specific but I was
> wondering if anyone else has seen it:
> I get through the installer without issue until it tries to grab repo
> information (if updates are enabled for the DVD). At that point, I get
> an error message:
> "
> Unable to read package metadata. This may be due to a missing repodata
> directory. Please ensure that your install tree has been correctly
> generated.
> Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) to repository:
> fedora.
> Please verify its path and try again.
> "
> When I look through the anaconda logs, I see:
> INFO anaconda: Error downloading treeinfo: [Errno 14] Peer cert cannot
> be verified or peer cert invalid
> I can file a BZ for this but wanted to get a better handle on the
> cause
> first.
> Tim

I wonder if this is related to a problem I faced when I installed F15 Alpha RC2 and then ran "yum update". I received some errors about incorrect signature key (it seemed that some packages were signed by a key not present in the system, or something like that). I didn't report it, but it should be easily reproducible.

But maybe it's a completely different issue.

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