install to hard disk doesn't start

Per Bothner per at
Mon Oct 10 07:02:00 UTC 2011

On 10/09/2011 11:45 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
>> Well you can start liveinst from the command line, but I think you need
>> X running for it to actually be usable.
> well, yeah - run it from GNOME terminal.

> My guess would be that you're hitting the udevadm settle timeout bug,
> which causes liveinst never to manage to complete launch...

It does look like a timeout - I tried once more from the application
side-bar, and it works.  I also tried from the command-line, and that works.

Thanks.  It' currently installing.  Glad to hear it's a known issue.
	--Per Bothner
per at

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