/ must be on a partition or LV that will be formatted. Reusing an existing / is not allowed.

Chris Adams cmadams at hiwaay.net
Wed Oct 19 02:57:41 UTC 2011

Once upon a time, David Lehman <dlehman at redhat.com> said:
> I just tried it and it worked fine. If you put your ks.cfg and
> the /tmp/storage.log from your install somewhere I can take a look and
> tell you what went wrong.

Okay, I'm probably doing it wrong then.  Here's my simplified ks.cfg.
It is a simplified example of partitioning and setting up LVM in %pre
(this example obviously doesn't do anything special, but I have actual
kickstarts that do), but I switched to letting anaconda make the
filesystems.  I set a couple of simple ext4 options that stand out
clearly after the fact.  Looking at program.log, the "-T myopt" didn't
get passed to mke2fs.

If you still want the storage.log (i.e. I'm not doing something
obviously wrong), I'll send it to you off-list (it is 83K).

repo --name="Fedora 16 Beta" --baseurl=http://mirror.hiwaay.net/pub/fedora/linux/releases/test/16-Beta/Fedora/x86_64/os/

rootpw testpw
sshpw --username=root testpw --plaintext
network --device=eth0 --bootproto dhcp
lang en_US.UTF-8
selinux --permissive
keyboard us
timezone --utc America/Chicago
auth --useshadow --passalgo=sha512
firewall --disabled
# See BZ 720027
bootloader --location=mbr --append="rd.plymouth=0 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200"

part /boot --onpart=vda1 --fstype=ext4 --fsprofile=myopt
part pv.1 --onpart=vda2 --noformat
volgroup fdev pv.1 --noformat
logvol / --vgname=fdev --name=root --fstype=ext4 --useexisting --fsprofile=myopt
logvol swap --vgname=fdev --name=swap --fstype=ext4 --useexisting

%packages --nobase
@ Core --nodefaults

%pre --erroronfail
set -e

cat >> /etc/mke2fs.conf <<EOF
	myopt = {
		inode_ratio = 65536
		options = stride=32,stripe-width=64

dd if=/dev/zero bs=512 count=63 of=/dev/vda
parted -s /dev/vda "unit s" "mklabel msdos" \
    "mkpart primary ext2 2048 1048575" \
    "mkpart primary ext2 1048576 -1" \
    "set 2 lvm on"
lvm pvcreate -ff -y /dev/vda2
lvm vgcreate -ff -s 16M fdev /dev/vda2
lvm lvcreate -n root -L 1500M fdev
lvm lvcreate -n swap -L 1000M fdev
lvm vgchange -an

Chris Adams <cmadams at hiwaay.net>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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