Final Criterion for working built-in mediacheck

Andre Robatino robatino at
Tue Aug 21 00:00:21 UTC 2012

Adam Williamson <awilliam <at>> writes:

> I think this is a good idea, yeah. Wording the criterion could be a 
> little tricky, though - it feels like one of those areas where you have 
> to be careful and precise about how you encapsulate 'works'. How 
> important are false negatives? False positives? Etc. Please do post a 
> draft, though!

I think they're both important. It definitely shouldn't PASS on a bad image. And
if it FAILs on a good image, then it's useless since people have to be told to
avoid mediacheck. So it should PASS if and only if the image is good.

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