Rename anaconda to cryptoconda?

Tom Horsley horsley1953 at
Mon Dec 3 12:28:02 UTC 2012

On Sun, 02 Dec 2012 20:14:00 -0800
Adam Williamson wrote:

> Someone skilled with UI/UX did the design from the outset. The process
> is documented in exhausting detail on her blog:

Some people (i.e. 99.999% of the population) have better things
to do than desperately search through every random corner
of the internet in case there happens to be someone planning
something ill-advised so you can provide feedback (which will
be ignored, because feedback like: "Don't change anything in
the interface that tens of thousands of people can already
understand and use" is always dismissed as reactionary
obstructionism by the starry-eyed planners of the perfect

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