Installing Rawhide

Frank Murphy frankly3d at
Sun Jan 1 09:38:48 UTC 2012

On 01/01/12 03:47, Frederic Muller wrote:

> I' ve been trying to install rawhide from the lastest nightly build
> (from 28) and it fails to boot.

> I was wondering whether at this point it is something actually worth
> reporting and troubleshooting

No don't report,
until such time as Rawhide goes to F17-Branched,
when installinng will become crucial.

or whether I should just install rawhide
> through one of the other possible methods (like upgrading F16 to rawhide).
For the moment go this route,
and flag thing as you come across them.
Checking for existing reports at

If no existing report, it always good practice,
to run the problem by this list,
to see if anyone else has run into it.


Frank Murphy
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