fc18 Nightly LiveCD / 20120619

Rob Healey robhealey1 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 00:49:22 UTC 2012


I have been anxiously awaiting for a usable nightly bouild live cd for
rawhide since it flipped and started creating the nightly builds based on
Rawhide!  So far the failures have seemed to be major issues of why not.

This one seems like such a little issue!  I hope that it can be resolved
before the morning and a new one being built for 20120620 ...  I know that
I DO NOT have any knowledge regarding this, but the error is:

LiveCDError: Could not create loopback device files: "for i in $(seq 0
7); do mknod /dev/loop$i b 7 $i; done" exited with status 32
Is it correct for me to say that it is a little issue?  Does anyone
know when the new live cd for rawhide will build?

Sincerely yours,
Rob G. Healey
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