Linking negative karma points to a reported bug

Till Maas opensource at
Fri Jun 29 23:13:34 UTC 2012

On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 01:34:53PM -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> Well, there's a lot of stuff to Bugzilla which is local site
> configuration, and there _are_ cases where the configuration of RH
> Bugzilla is compromised by having to work for both RHEL and Fedora.
> To give an example I've been trying to sort out for _years_ - there is a
> somewhat significant flaw in our blocker/NTH process. You nominate a bug
> as blocker/NTH by setting it as blocking the tracker bug. But regular
> users can't actually set bugs as blocking other bugs, in RH BZ. Only
> people with editbugs privileges can. All packagers and Bugzappers have
> editbugs privileges, but not all registered users do. So if you're just
> a regular Fedora user and you file a bug that should be a blocker - you
> can't actually nominate it yourself. You have to ask someone who has
> privileges to do it for you. That kind of sucks, and I've had a ticket
> with eng ops to get it changed for a long time now, but it hasn't
> happened yet, and that's partly due to the fact that it wouldn't
> necessarily be good for RHEL if any registered user could alter the
> Blocks: field on a bug.
> (For anyone interested in this issue, the current state in the art is
> , where you can
> marvel at the utter lack of activity. Sigh. I do suspect that if we had
> a Fedora bugzilla, this would have been sorted out by now. Of course,
> this one sole issue probably doesn't outweigh the duplication of effort
> involved in running a separate Fedora bugzilla, but I'm sure there are
> others).

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