F17 wants to auto-update LibreOffice URE-runtime when I've got Apache OpenOffice 3.4 installed

Caolán McNamara caolanm at redhat.com
Tue May 1 08:18:00 UTC 2012

On Mon, 2012-04-30 at 21:39 -0400, Horst H. von Brand wrote:
> Strange... here it is called libreoffice-ure, and should not get updated by
> any OOo stuff. Perhaps there is something eles that uses it?

Both Fedora openoffice.org and the original upstream openoffice.org
ended up with a package called openoffice.org-ure. From various twists
and turns the Fedora -ure ended up with a 1 Epoch so all fedora -ure
packages are a higher n-v-r that the OOo one. Apache OOo has now
presumably got the same package names as well.

Fedora libreoffice has an upgrade path to update the Fedora
openoffice.org so it would attempt to upgrade anything called
openoffice.org-ure if installed.

Can block the libreoffice-ure in your yum.conf


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