The F18 test candidates (some issues)

"Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" johannbg at
Thu Sep 6 16:28:21 UTC 2012

On 09/06/2012 04:12 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> The design of the new UI isn't a step-through wizard like the old one, 
> but hub-and-spoke: there is no 'next' exactly, as there's no set order 
> for the spokes. You can do them in any order. What 'back' really means 
> is 'back to the hub'. I agree this can be confusing, though. I don't 
> know if anything can be done to clarify it. Perhaps label the button 
> 'Done' not 'Back'? 

Apparently the Anaconda team does not consider the back button to be an 
issue and the only place you might remotely need one ( instead of just 
being dropped to the main hub once you have selected something ) is in 
the software selection screen ( which is poorly designed anyway ).

It took Gnome six minor releases to reintroduce shutdown and now we just 
sit back and wait to see all the bad reviews and the users screams that 
will prove otherwise and measure how long it will take them to come to 
their sense.

Let's just hope we dont have to wait that long and will be fixed for 
final after all we haven't even released alpha yet  ;)


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