Dracut + Disk Crypt Passphrase Timeout

Mateusz Marzantowicz mmarzantowicz at osdf.com.pl
Thu Jan 10 15:21:12 UTC 2013

On 10.01.2013 14:23, Kamil Paral wrote:
>>> Is this timeout normal and expected or is it a bug?  (I'm not
>>> worried
>>> about it, but thought someone might like to know if it's
>>> unexpected.)
>> I've seen this as well. It's certainly disconcerting to come back to
>> a
>> workstation and find it dropped to an emergency shell. So, I'd
>> certainly call it a bug.
>> Others do too:
>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=868421
> It's definitely a bug. The problem is that no one knows whether this is a dracut or systemd bug, and none of the respective maintainers have shown much care about the issue.
> I hope that F18 release will make more people report this problem and this activity will wake them up.

I have encountered this "bug" several times. First I thought it's
something serious. Then I realized that rebooting cures this problem and
my computer works good. I started to diagnose problem (read messages
from dracut) after 4 or 5 occurrences.

It's very wrong! I think lot of users with disk encryption enabled might
encounter this bug because it's not so rare to make coffee when your
system boots up. Then you miss this time window to enter the password
and ....? F*, my system is broken again. I don't believe all Fedora
users are sysadmins or geeks smart enough to take this kid of error
easily. There should be at last huge banner with red blinking messaged
"Time out! Please, reboot."

Mateusz Marzantowicz

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