upgrade to rawhide how

shalom938l at gmail.com shalom938l at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 22:55:23 UTC 2013

Hello list
I'm new to fedora. and I usually like a rolling release.
So I just upgraded a fresh fedora 18 kde install to rawhide using the 
instructions here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/Rawhide?rd=Rawhide

I did:
# yum --releasever=rawhide install fedora-release-rawhide
# yum --releasever=rawhide distro-sync

everything went fine and about 900 packages where upgraded.
My question is: now what?
I compared the yum.repos.d folder to the original before the update and 
nothing changed there, like my repos are still pointing to the regular fedora 

an I missing something? will I always have to use --releasever=rawhide with 
yum update?

I did not find a more complete guide to rawhide, if there is one I'll be glad 
if you point me there.

Thank you

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