Test Days anytime - wiki adjustments made

Adam Williamson awilliam at redhat.com
Fri Mar 8 23:03:37 UTC 2013

Hey folks! So I had an action item from the meeting on Monday:

"adamw to draft up changes to the test day process docs to accommodate
test days being on any day, test day co-ordinator to ensure they're
balanced out"

In fact, though, looking at the wiki, it only really made sense to make
a couple of minor changes for this cycle. So I just went ahead and did
it, since they're so small:


For F20, it'll be a bit more complex, because we'll want to create the
initial Test Day calendar without creating 'slots' each Thursday, but
somehow make it friendly enough for people proposing test days to pick
days, and for the co-ordinator to fill out the schedule. But we can burn
that bridge when we come to it. :) As F19 test days are mostly scheduled
already, I don't think it makes sense to poke the calendar too much; we
can just let people know when they request test days that they can pick
any date.

Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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