Moving away from reporting to RH bugzilla and adopting pure upstream reporting mantra.

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Wed Sep 25 00:36:54 UTC 2013

On Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:12:48 +0000
"Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" <johannbg at> wrote:

> I needed to migrate all of my bugs to another account tied to one of
> my email address then delete it ( old work account ) and that was not
> possible

I would think you could simply do a search for the critera (all bugs
assigned or cc your old account) and click on 'change serveral bugs at
once' and then change the assigned or cc. 

> I do believe you yourself on numerous occasions as well as other in 
> fedora-admin have claimed powerless and directly me to contact
> directly bz admins. Are you know telling that has been changed?

What do you mean by 'contact directly' ?

What I am suggesting is that we gather up the issues from the community
and see what overlap they have, boil them down to specific cases then
file bugs on them. That way we can track whats already been filed and
possibly not fixed or scheduled to be fixed or whatever.

The way to 'contact directly' bugzilla folks has always be to file a

Anyhow, I don't find your proposal(s) compelling, so I will just stop
here. Good luck. 

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