Server issues

Mike Chambers mike at
Mon Nov 17 21:54:12 UTC 2014

On Sun, 2014-11-16 at 15:34 -0600, Dan Mossor wrote:

> Also, firewalld for F21 includes new zones - FedoraWorkstation (for the 
> workstation product) and FedoraServer (for the server product). These 
> zones become the default for NetworkManager, and start off with only a 
> few services enabled. Server, for instance, defaults to only ssh and 
> cockpit being open - you have to tweak everything else. Workstation has 
> a few more services allowed, but NFS is not one of those.

Well, I think it was the firewall, sort of haha.  I don't run one on
that box, but I looked at it, and sort of turned it on, let those
services through and things seemed to work.  Then I went back, turn it
off, and they now still work.  But I do see an old iptables file in
my /etc/sysconfig (was the default one from last install/upgrade) and
wonder if the way it was configured was causing the issues, as it seemed
to be inline with allowing and disallowing what you said.

But all seems to be working at moment, so thanks.

Mike Chambers
Madisonville, KY

"Best little town on Earth!"

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