Does anyone reuse /boot or /var partitions ?

Michal Jaegermann michal at
Fri Jan 23 17:30:07 UTC 2015

On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 11:27:56PM -0800, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Fri, 2015-01-23 at 12:16 +0530, Rejy M Cyriac wrote:
> > And why the subdirectories in /var cannot be mountpoints for 
> > existing partitions ? There are a way lot of subdirectories, where 
> > partitions with existing data would have to be mounted, like www, 
> > ftp, tftp, named, spool/mail ....
> I couldn't say precisely why, I don't know the background of why the 
> design is that way. I'd guess the logic is that there's nothing 
> important in /var itself,

Hmm, this is getting really curious.  OTOH if you are going to sick
anaconda on an existing system that means that you are reinstalling.  So
one may argue that a "nothing important" logic really applies across the
board and why some "weird exceptions"? In other words if you care you
better have backups as you cannot really predict in advance what all of
sudden will be deemed disposable.


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