Heads up - Anaconda 22.17 will enforce 'good' passwords

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Fri Jan 30 16:54:00 UTC 2015

On Fri, 30 Jan 2015 22:11:12 +0530
Sudhir Khanger <ml at sudhirkhanger.com> wrote:

> On Thursday, January 29, 2015 01:30:11 PM David Lehman wrote:
> > Pick a single "strong" password that you can remember and use it
> > for all of them. Pretty easy, really.
> It's not my memory but its my fingers. I will have to enter a long
> password over and over again for no real reasons.

Well, thats not entirely true... the reason is so that all those people
who actually use the thing you are testing have more secure passwords. 

apg (along with many other things) can generate you a list of passwords
and 'pwscore' can make sure they will pass the same tests anaconda
would give them. 

IMHO, this isn't so big a deal. I'll have to change my throw away
instance test password from 'abc123' to something like 'tacosyum99'


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