Adam on vacation from this weekend

Adam Williamson adamwill at
Mon May 11 22:23:57 UTC 2015

Hi, folks...hope this isn't too presumptuous, but since I seem to get
in everyone's way around here a lot, I thought the list might like to
know that I'll be away for a while :)

I'm going on vacation this weekend and returning June 8. Mike has
volunteered to take over compose requests and blocker review while I'm
away, but I'm sure he'd welcome help, if anyone else is interested.
It'd be good if someone can run any meetings that are needed during
that time too - the SOP is , it really
isn't rocket science, just send out an agenda then show up and start
the meeting and change the topic every so often :)

Otherwise I think everyone knows what needs doing and I'm sure
everything will run along much more smoothly while I'm not here
getting in the way, so I'll be looking forward to reading about an on
-time release from my sun lounger ;)

Thanks folks!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net

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