Fedora Council report

Kamil Paral kparal at redhat.com
Mon May 18 12:57:26 UTC 2015

> Hi, folks! So I'm following up again on the request from the Council
> that we send someone to report on the QA project's status. The proposed
> date was 2015-06-08.
> At the last QA meeting (on 2015-05-04) I volunteered to do it, then
> realized I won't be able to on 2015-06-08 as I'll be on a plane. So, we
> have two choices: either someone else volunteers to do the report, or
> we ask the Council if we can change the date. Is anyone else interested
> in doing the report? Please reply if so!

Thanks, Adam, for looking into this. You'll probably already on vacation, so I assume you won't be reading this until the actual council meeting. But if you did...

If needed, I'm happy to fill in for you. But if you wanted to be actively part of the discussion, I can also ask the council to move the date. You seem to have given quite some thought into those issues. I won't be able to look into it properly before we push F22 out of the door, but that should hopefully happen way before the council meeting, so then I can try to expand the points you mentioned below.

If there are some other volunteers to take care of this, I'm even more happy to pass this onto you :-)


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