Non-image blocker process change proposal

Kamil Paral kparal at
Fri Nov 20 12:20:36 UTC 2015

> ----------------
> The alternative is to make the existing Blocker trackers do more work.
> In this model we wouldn't add any new tracker bugs; we'd just add new
> 'magic words' in the Whiteboard field. Right now, an accepted blocker
> is identified by the string 'AcceptedBlocker' appearing in the
> whiteboard field. We could simply add some more magical strings like
> that: 'Accepted0Day' and 'AcceptedStable', say (better suggestions
> welcome).

I'd use this approach, distinguish by whiteboard metadata. It's easier for people to propose (you need to remember just 2 different tracker aliases), and it should not require too many blockerbugs modifications (the Propose page can stay exactly the same, and in the list view which just add some column or tag to distinguish different blocker types).

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