Get Latest Kernel To Boot By Default In F23

P. Gueckel pgueckel at
Fri Oct 2 22:21:24 UTC 2015

I messed something up by manually installing the 
kernel-PAE package (my kernel supports pae and nx). 
Then, I read that PAE is only useful with more than 
4Gb of memory, which my laptop does not have, so I 
went back to the default kernel. This is easier, 
anyway, as it requires no extra work for me, in the 

However, now my grub2 menu is messed up.

1. The oldest (third in the list) kernel is always the 
one that is set to boot, so I have to manually select 
the newest kernel every time I switch the laptop on.

2. The nice default menu with the extra features for 
each kernel that drop open when selected is no longer 

I checked the /etc/default/grub file and the contents 
are exactly the same as the file on my desktop 
computer, which does default to the newest kernel, so 
the problem is not with saving. I have selected the 
newest kernel and booted a number of times, but it 
never gets saved. There is some other problem afoot 

How can I get the latest kernel selected by default 
(top of the grub2 menu list) and also have the extra 
options for each kernel in the drop-down menu 

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