Workstation 23 (Beta) locking up

Sanne Grinovero sanne.grinovero at
Mon Oct 5 11:47:45 UTC 2015

[re-sending after being pointed to the right mailing list]

Hi all,
I was brave enough to upgrade my primary work laptop - a Lenovo laptop
T440s - from Fedora 22 (workstation) to the Beta of version 23.

The upgrade was smooth, Gnome 3 is working great, and it's all looking
gorgeous but the machine occasionally seems to "freeze" and I have to
long-press the power button to force a shut down as it won't react to
any other key combination I tried (from ctrl-alt-del to
ctrl-alt-F1..F9, ctrl-alt-backspace).

Kernel version is  4.2.1-300.fc23.x86_64 (not tainted nor customized).

The boot command line is the "vanilla" one:
root=UUID=f12bc342-dcf1-4c72-815f-4d3c0475a9f0 ro
rootflags=subvol=root vconsole.font=latarcyrheb-sun16 rhgb quiet

Is there anything I can do to help getting this fixed?

I guess a good start would be to report it on some issue tracker, but
I'm not sure which one, or which component: I probably need some help
to narrow it done somewhat?


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