Fedora 23 updates-testing report

updates at fedoraproject.org updates at fedoraproject.org
Sun Oct 11 18:50:12 UTC 2015

The following Fedora 23 Security updates need testing:
 Age  URL
  67  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-12739   python-kdcproxy-0.3.2-1.fc23
  51  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-13824   python-django-1.8.4-1.fc23
  50  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-5eb2131441   conntrack-tools-1.4.2-9.fc23
  46  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-14197   sblim-sfcb-1.4.9-4.fc23
  33  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-13919   ipsilon-1.0.0-5.fc23
  33  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-15291   ipsilon-1.1.0-1.fc23
  21  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-16197   python-tornado-4.2.1-1.fc23
  21  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-16240   nagios-4.0.8-1.fc23
   7  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-dd52a54fa1   python-pymongo-3.0.3-1.fc23
   7  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-e7712d6c32   cyrus-imapd-2.4.18-1.fc23
   7  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-02382803f3   community-mysql-5.6.27-1.fc23
   7  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-f82917c70c   php-5.6.14-1.fc23
   7  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-c76c1c84cf   mod_nss-1.0.12-1.fc23
   4  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-ed1c673f09   opensmtpd-5.7.3p1-1.fc23
   4  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-8d643c4d18   squid-3.5.9-7.fc23
   2  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-44deee4d7a   lxdm-0.5.1-7.D20151007gite8f38708.fc23
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-605cd28f33   audiofile-0.3.6-9.fc23
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-46b18ccdc3   xen-4.5.1-13.fc23

The following Fedora 23 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved:
 Age URL
  28  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-15675   lorax-23.18-1.fc23
   9  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-acf322ef6d   libssh-0.7.2-1.fc23
   5  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-8f2fb2353e   perl-Coro-6.48-1.fc23
   2  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-6f7d535c92   python-blivet-1.12.6-1.fc23 anaconda-23.19.6-1.fc23
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-b433d7045e   dyninst-9.0.3-1.fc23 systemtap-2.9-1.fc23
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-f4305656a5   selinux-policy-3.13.1-150.fc23
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-5ae5009bd4   caribou-

The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 23 updates-testing


Details about builds:

 alpine-2.20-2.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-7c46531e5f)
 powerful, easy to use console email client
Update Information:

  alpine-2.20-2.fc23  - use patched alpine sources

  [ 1 ] Bug #1270331 - alpine 2.20 package removes maildir support!

 amsynth-1.6.1-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-577f10c8ec)
 A classic synthesizer with dual oscillators
Update Information:

New maintenance update from upstream

 ansible-1.9.4-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-e45c156408)
 SSH-based configuration management, deployment, and task execution system
Update Information:

  ansible-1.9.4-1.fc21  - Update to 1.9.4   ansible-1.9.4-1.fc22  - Update to
1.9.4   ansible-1.9.4-1.el6  - Update to 1.9.4   ansible-1.9.4-1.el7  - Update
to 1.9.4   ansible-1.9.4-1.fc23  - Update to 1.9.4   ----  Backport dnf module
from head. Fixes bug #1267018

  [ 1 ] Bug #1267018 - dnf module uses /usr/bin/repoquery

 audiofile-0.3.6-9.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-605cd28f33)
 Library for accessing various audio file formats
Update Information:

Security fix for CVE-2015-7747

  [ 1 ] Bug #1269766 - CVE-2015-7747 audiofile: Buffer overflow when changing number of channels and sample format

 beignet-1.1.1-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-f3b5e0d3b5)
 Open source implementation of the OpenCL for Intel GPUs
Update Information:

Update to 1.1.1 (#1249611)  ----  Make beignet compiling and working with LLVM

  [ 1 ] Bug #1249611 - beignet-1.1.1 is available

 carto-0.15.3-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-68803d02ab)
 Mapnik style sheet compiler
Update Information:

  carto-0.15.3-1.fc23  - Update to 0.15.3 upstream release   nodejs-mapnik-
reference-8.5.0-1.fc23  - Update to 8.5.0 upstream release   nodejs-
tilelive-5.9.1-1.fc23  - Update to 5.9.1 upstream release   nodejs-leaflet-
formbuilder-0.2.1-1.fc23  - Update to 0.2.1 upstream release

  [ 1 ] Bug #1270252 - nodejs-leaflet-formbuilder-0.2.1 is available
  [ 2 ] Bug #1270087 - nodejs-tilelive-5.9.1 is available
  [ 3 ] Bug #1270080 - nodejs-mapnik-reference-8.5.0 is available
  [ 4 ] Bug #1270070 - carto-0.15.3 is available

 clufter-0.50.5-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-e7271715ad)
 Tool/library for transforming/analyzing cluster configuration formats
Update Information:

  clufter-0.50.5-1.fc21  - generate man pages also for offered commands - bump
upstream package   clufter-0.50.5-1.fc22  - generate man pages also for offered
commands - bump upstream package   clufter-0.50.5-1.fc23  - generate man pages
also for offered commands - bump upstream package

 clutter-gst3-3.0.14-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-7cfa12bbbf)
 GStreamer integration library for Clutter
Update Information:

  clutter-gst3-3.0.14-1.fc23  - Update to 3.0.14

 drupal7-addressfield-1.2-2.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-7d9cbf79c8)
 Manage a flexible address field, implementing the xNAL standard
Update Information:

Changes since 7.x-1.1:  * Issue #2507665 by joelpittet:
addressfield_get_administrative_areas calls t() nearly 1000 times in one call *
Issue #2566773: Wrong CSS class for organisation_block in
addressfield_format_organisation_generate * Issue #2578387: CZ and SK have
required postal codes * Issue #2570281 by michel.settembrino: Drupal coding
standards not followed into addressfield.feeds.inc * Issue #2579129 by skadu:
Autocomplete Attribute Typo * Update address formats for Chile and Colombia,
based on Google dataset changes. * Remove administrative areas with duplicate
keys (defined more than once). * Issue #2528406 by rrfegade: Spelling errors in
D7 * Stop passing non-english administrative areas to t() in
addressfield_get_administrative_areas(). * Issue #2546316 by jrb: PHP
recoverable fatal error in addressfield when using AJAX * Issue #2530250 by
rrfegade: Remove unused varibles from D7 * Issue #2421211 by blazey, 7thkey:
Administrative Area in Views is rendering key value rather than the rendered
string * Issue #2151903 followup: Update addresses.txt for the sub_premise
field. * Issue #2510780 by rlhawk: Administrative area for addresses in South
Korea should be rendered * Issue #2479205 by marcvangend: Remove "not
recommended" from "make all fields optional" and provide real information
instead * Issue #2490983 by FMB: Use Lleida and Girona instead of Lérida and

  [ 1 ] Bug #1270071 - drupal7-addressfield-1.2 is available

 drupal7-pathauto-1.3-2.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-5539585a27)
 Automatically generates URL/path aliases for various kinds of content
Update Information:

Changes since 7.x-1.2:  * Issue #936222 by mvc, quicksketch, joelpittet, Dave
Reid, sammarks15, brianV, RoloDMonkey, bvanmeurs, effulgentsia, jucallme,
ponies, Island Usurper, Pancho, iamEAP, pinoniq, bibishani, Gábor Hojtsy,
emanaton, populist, mrmikedewolf, klonos, dsnopek, Fabianx, MiroslavBanov,
JamesOakley, acbramley, jstoller, DamienMcKenna, mattlt, rv0: Merged in
pathauto_persist module functionality to prevent losing manual aliases when
calling node_save(). * Issue #1909400 by Dave Reid: Removed the hacky
pathauto_module_implements_alter() and moved core implementations to
pathauto.module. * Issue #2423077 by Dave Reid, TuWebO: Fixed wrong parameters
passed to truncate_utf8() from pathauto_alias_uniquify(). * Issue #897310 by
gordon, Dave Reid: Added features integration for exporting pathauto patterns
along with node types and taxonomy vocabularies. * Issue #2434675 by mtift:
Clarify when hook_pathauto_pattern_alter() is called. * Issue #1128870 by
mikeryan, badrange, EclipseGc, Dave Reid: Added Migrate module integration. *
Issue #2372101 by mfb: Fixed mb_eregi_replace() called without first calling
mb_regex_encoding() and setting encoding to UTF-8. * Issue #1430898 by Dave
Reid: Fixed pathauto_install() should not overwrite any existing pattern
variables. * Issue #2067191 by bneil, Martijn Houtman, stefan.r, rv0,
DamienMcKenna, Dave Reid: Fixed path_pathauto_is_alias_reserved() does not
handle language-neutral aliases correctly, possibly resulting in duplicate
aliases. * Issue #2114323 by alberto56, jarkkotuunanen, ollii, frakke: Switched
using taxonomy_get_tree() to taxonomy_get_children() which fixes field tokens
not generated for any child aliases, and improves performance. * Fixed docs in
pathauto.inc. * Fixed _pathauto_alias_exists(). * Issue  #2351205 by
basvanderheijden: Fixed Drupal.behaviors.pathFieldsetSummaries did not use
context. * Issue #2511988 by rrfegade: Fixed documentation spelling errors. *
Issue #1784874 by Dave Reid, aaronbauman: Converted admin UI to use the token
dialog. * Issue #801702 by IceCreamYou, Dave Reid, m4olivei, mojzis: Updated API
documentation. * Fixed error in hook_pathauto_pattern_alter() example code. *
Issue #2272871 by Dave Reid, Elijah Lynn: Fixed "Do nothing. Leave old alias
intact" update action should hide the Pathauto checkbox on existing content. *
Issue #2272871 by Elijah Lynn, Dave Reid: Fixed "Do nothing. Leave old alias
intact" does not uncheck "Generate automatic URL alias" checkbox on first edit
of existing content, but does on subsequent edits. * Fixed example
hook_pathauto_pattern_alter(). * Simplify invocations of pathauto_cleanstring()
by both accepting $options['langauge'] and $options['langcode']. Fixed the array
:join-path token did not pass options into pathauto_cleanstring(). * Small
optimization to pathauto_clean_token_values(). * Issue #1574700 by jgSnell,
fletchgqc: Clarified transliteration help text means US-ASCII instead of
ASCII-96. * Issue #1586172 by jaydub: Fixed link to Redirect module settings
page from Pathauto settings page. * Issue #2174603: Added support for an
$options['force'] parameter in pathauto_*_update_alias() callbacks that ignores
the $object->path['pathauto'] value and will always perform aliasing. * Issue
#1834666 by greggles: Update README.txt maintainers * Issue #1988226: Fixed
@todo link in _pathauto_path_is_callback to correct core issue. * Revert "Issue
#1988226: Fixed @todo link in _pathauto_path_is_callback to correct core issue."
* Issue #1909370: Added documentation for hook_pathauto_is_alias_reserved(). *
Issue #1565850: Added hook_pathauto_pattern_alter(). * Issue #1909370: Added a
hook_pathauto_is_alias_reserved(). * Issue #1003490: Renamed 'Bulk update' tab
to 'Bulk generate' to better reflect actual functionality. * Issue Follow-up
#1781302: Added return value to the pathauto_blog_update_alias() function. *
Issue #1781302: Added return values to the pathauto_*_update_alias() functions.
* Issue #1899806: Fixed URL segments with empty tokens inbetween separator
resulted in duplicated backslashes in Pathauto alias. * Issue #973908: Fix
pathauto_cleanstring() lacks language context. * Issue #1796920: Fixed
pathauto_action_info() did not define the required 'triggers' property for each

  [ 1 ] Bug #1270073 - drupal7-pathauto-1.3 is available

 dyninst-9.0.3-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-b433d7045e)
 An API for Run-time Code Generation
Update Information:

  systemtap-2.9-1.fc23  - Upstream release.   dyninst-9.0.3-1.fc23  - Update to

 fedora-upgrade-23.1-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-0c29e47ba5)
 Upgrade Fedora to next version using yum upgrade (unofficial tool)
Update Information:

* upgrade to F23 * migrate to dnf

 gdalcpp-0-0.1.20150825git75c0ac4.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-e950c3019d)
 C++11 wrapper classes for GDAL/OGR
Update Information:

New package

  [ 1 ] Bug #1259510 - Review Request: gdalcpp - C++11 wrapper classes for GDAL/OGR

 gnome-characters-3.18.0-3.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-5bebe90058)
 Character map application for GNOME
Update Information:

Disable the search provider by default.

 gnome-shell-extension-openweather-1-0.5.20151010gitfe00513.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-680ce515a1)
 Display weather information from many locations in the world
Update Information:

New upstream:

 hgsvn-0.3.11-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-dc65c41148)
 A set of scripts to work locally on subversion checkouts using mercurial
Update Information:

Update to latest upstream release hgsvn 0.3.11.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1218487 - [abrt] hgsvn: common.py:461:get_hgsvn_lock:TypeError: __init__() takes at least 3 arguments (3 given)
  [ 2 ] Bug #1269309 - hgsvn-0.3.11 is available

 ipset-6.26-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-7466389966)
 Manage Linux IP sets
Update Information:

Upstream 6.26 (RHBZ#1145913)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1145913 - ipset-6.26 is available

 jabref-2.10-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-d9fea524cd)
 Graphical frontend to manage BibTeX bibliographical databases
Update Information:

  jabref-2.10-1.fc21  - Upstream update to 2.10:   - Made IEEEXploreFetcher
author parsing work again.   - Added a few more characters in the HTML/Unicode
to LaTeX conversion.   - Find unlinked files tool doesn't always use PDF content
importer any more,     but the dialog opened when a file is dropped into JabRef
- Uninstaller doesn't delete whole directory any more. Fixes bugs 1142, 1175,
1212.   jabref-2.10-1.fc22  - Upstream update to 2.10:   - Made
IEEEXploreFetcher author parsing work again.   - Added a few more characters in
the HTML/Unicode to LaTeX conversion.   - Find unlinked files tool doesn't
always use PDF content importer any more,     but the dialog opened when a file
is dropped into JabRef   - Uninstaller doesn't delete whole directory any more.
Fixes bugs 1142, 1175, 1212.   jabref-2.10-1.fc23  - Upstream update to 2.10:
- Made IEEEXploreFetcher author parsing work again.   - Added a few more
characters in the HTML/Unicode to LaTeX conversion.   - Find unlinked files tool
doesn't always use PDF content importer any more,     but the dialog opened when
a file is dropped into JabRef   - Uninstaller doesn't delete whole directory any
more. Fixes bugs 1142, 1175, 1212.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1121734 - Version 2.10 of jabref is out

 julia-0.4.0-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-99042d3a4c)
 High-level, high-performance dynamic language for technical computing
Update Information:

New upstream release.

 moon-buggy-1.0.51-15.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-2213d6cb34)
 Drive and jump with some kind of car across the moon
Update Information:

Rebuild (temporarily) without sound support (#1251697)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1251697 - Alternative to esound's esd_play_file() at PulseAudio for moon-buggy

 mot-adms-2.3.4-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-fe36da656c)
 An electrical compact device models converter
Update Information:

Update to ngspice 26 release, mot-adms 2.3.4 release.

 msr-tools-1.3-3.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-a403a9ef0f)
 Collection of tools for reading/writing CPU model specific registers
Update Information:

Support for increased number of processors

 ngspice-26-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-fe36da656c)
 A mixed level/signal circuit simulator
Update Information:

Update to ngspice 26 release, mot-adms 2.3.4 release.

 nodejs-basic-auth-1.0.3-3.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-021c9965ec)
 Generic basic auth Authorization header field parser for whatever
Update Information:

Initial packaging

  [ 1 ] Bug #1269559 - Review Request: nodejs-basic-auth - Basic auth Authorization header field parser

 nodejs-content-type-1.0.1-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-27b6e11e27)
 Create and parse HTTP Content-Type header according to RFC 7231
Update Information:

Initial packaging

  [ 1 ] Bug #1269620 - Review Request: nodejs-content-type - Create and parse HTTP Content-Type header

 nodejs-ee-first-1.1.1-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-b71fcaf0a2)
 Get the first event in a set of event emitters and event pairs
Update Information:

Initial packaging

  [ 1 ] Bug #1269648 - Review Request: nodejs-ee-first - Get the first event in a set of event emitters and event pairs

 nodejs-leaflet-formbuilder-0.2.1-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-68803d02ab)
 Helpers to build forms in Leaflet
Update Information:

  carto-0.15.3-1.fc23  - Update to 0.15.3 upstream release   nodejs-mapnik-
reference-8.5.0-1.fc23  - Update to 8.5.0 upstream release   nodejs-
tilelive-5.9.1-1.fc23  - Update to 5.9.1 upstream release   nodejs-leaflet-
formbuilder-0.2.1-1.fc23  - Update to 0.2.1 upstream release

  [ 1 ] Bug #1270252 - nodejs-leaflet-formbuilder-0.2.1 is available
  [ 2 ] Bug #1270087 - nodejs-tilelive-5.9.1 is available
  [ 3 ] Bug #1270080 - nodejs-mapnik-reference-8.5.0 is available
  [ 4 ] Bug #1270070 - carto-0.15.3 is available

 nodejs-mapnik-reference-8.5.0-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-68803d02ab)
 Reference for Mapnik Styling Options
Update Information:

  carto-0.15.3-1.fc23  - Update to 0.15.3 upstream release   nodejs-mapnik-
reference-8.5.0-1.fc23  - Update to 8.5.0 upstream release   nodejs-
tilelive-5.9.1-1.fc23  - Update to 5.9.1 upstream release   nodejs-leaflet-
formbuilder-0.2.1-1.fc23  - Update to 0.2.1 upstream release

  [ 1 ] Bug #1270252 - nodejs-leaflet-formbuilder-0.2.1 is available
  [ 2 ] Bug #1270087 - nodejs-tilelive-5.9.1 is available
  [ 3 ] Bug #1270080 - nodejs-mapnik-reference-8.5.0 is available
  [ 4 ] Bug #1270070 - carto-0.15.3 is available

 nodejs-tilelive-5.9.1-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-68803d02ab)
 Frontend for various tile backends, mapnik and mbtiles
Update Information:

  carto-0.15.3-1.fc23  - Update to 0.15.3 upstream release   nodejs-mapnik-
reference-8.5.0-1.fc23  - Update to 8.5.0 upstream release   nodejs-
tilelive-5.9.1-1.fc23  - Update to 5.9.1 upstream release   nodejs-leaflet-
formbuilder-0.2.1-1.fc23  - Update to 0.2.1 upstream release

  [ 1 ] Bug #1270252 - nodejs-leaflet-formbuilder-0.2.1 is available
  [ 2 ] Bug #1270087 - nodejs-tilelive-5.9.1 is available
  [ 3 ] Bug #1270080 - nodejs-mapnik-reference-8.5.0 is available
  [ 4 ] Bug #1270070 - carto-0.15.3 is available

 nodejs-when-3.7.3-3.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-0e7bc9de20)
 A lightweight Promises/A+ and when() implementation
Update Information:

Initial packaging for Fedora

  [ 1 ] Bug #1269287 - Review Request: nodejs-when - A lightweight Promises/A+ and when() implementation

 packagedb-cli-2.9.2-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-3cf791a977)
 A CLI for pkgdb
Update Information:

Update to 2.9.1  - Fix interacting with bugzilla.redhat.com (fixes RHBZ#1267821
- Show review URL when showing request.package   Update to 2.9.2  - Comment on
the bugzilla ticket when processing a package request   (Update 2.9.1 has never
really seen the light of day)

 python-PyPDF2-1.25.1-2.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-bf9da150ca)
 Python PDF toolkit and library
Update Information:

First package

  [ 1 ] Bug #1262470 - Review Request: python-PyPDF2 - A pure Python library built as a PDF toolkit

 python-cpopen-1.4-0.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-df46ceb002)
 Creates a sub-process in simpler safer manner
Update Information:

- cpopen 1.4

 python-fedora-0.6.0-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-6093e9acc7)
 Python modules for talking to Fedora Infrastructure Services
Update Information:

- Cache session cookies between use for clients using OpenID.\n- Retry failed
requests for clients using OpenID\n- Remove Bodhi server version detection
code.\n- Python3 support for the BodhiClient.\n- Drop support for python-

 python-requests-2.7.0-7.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-20de3774f4)
 HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
Update Information:

Declare what version of urllib3 we unbundle for setuptools.  For

 python-urllib3-1.10.4-6.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-20de3774f4)
 Python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling and file post
Update Information:

Declare what version of urllib3 we unbundle for setuptools.  For

 rubygem-ghost-1.0.0-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-ff16a82106)
 Allows you to create, list, and modify local hostnames
Update Information:

Updated to version 1.0.0

 sayonara-0.7.1-1.svn200.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-5aaf361122)
 A lightweight Qt Audio player
Update Information:

Update to 0.7.1

 sshrc-0.5-5.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-507cc2fb4d)
 Bring your bash and vim configuration in your ssh session
Update Information:

Bring your bash and vim configuration in your ssh session

  [ 1 ] Bug #1247328 - Review Request: sshrc -  Bring your bash and vim configuration in your ssh session

 systemtap-2.9-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-b433d7045e)
 Programmable system-wide instrumentation system
Update Information:

  systemtap-2.9-1.fc23  - Upstream release.   dyninst-9.0.3-1.fc23  - Update to

 thinkfan-0.9.2-3.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-2959c7b89d)
 A simple fan control program
Update Information:

Add libatasmart support (RHBZ#1243367)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1243367 - thinkfan missing libatasmart dependency

 vdr-epg2vdr-0.1.13-1.20151009git9add629.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-9125bb6675)
 A plugin to retrieve EPG data from a mysql database into VDR
Update Information:

Update to 0.1.13

 vdr-epg2vdr-0.1.13-2.20151010git4906742.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-6bfd83cf13)
 A plugin to retrieve EPG data from a mysql database into VDR
Update Information:

rebuild for new git release

 vdr-epg2vdr-0.1.13-3.20151011git0500f75.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-9601433c55)
 A plugin to retrieve EPG data from a mysql database into VDR
Update Information:

rebuild for new git release

 vdr-vnsiserver-1.3.1-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-da0aac4e26)
 VDR plugin to handle XBMC clients via VNSI
Update Information:

Update to 1.3.1

  [ 1 ] Bug #1190444 - vdr-vnsiserver-v1.3.1 is available

 waf-1.8.14-1.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-56eb9a02f0)
 A Python-based build system
Update Information:

NEW IN WAF 1.8.14  * Fixed the Visual Studio detection on Python 3 when
--msvc_lazy_autodetect is not provided (regression) * Enable vala processing on
a folder basis with the vala_dir parameter - #1601 * Enable vala resource
processing - #1626 * Minor documentation updates - #1605  NEW IN WAF 1.8.13  *
Exposed the Popen parameters input/timeout to cmd_and_log/exec_command (timeout
is for Python >= 3.3) * Added 'with_sys_path' to Context.load_tool to use/skip
sys.path * Changed gccdeps so that it handle '..' within paths * env =
conf.env.derive().detach() * Changed Sun compiler's default flags from -Kpic to
-xcode=pic32 - #1625 * Added bld(rule=, ..., cls_str=, cls_keyword=) for more
descriptive outputs - #1598 * Added a lazy Visual Studio detection option
--msvc_lazy_autodetect - #1614 * Changed the definition of function tests to
prevent warnings with gcc - #1622  Packging changes  - Update to 1.8.14. -
Include waf-2 and waf-3 symlinks, respectively. - Add basic doc files to the
python3 subpackage.

 xcircuit-3.7.57-2.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-fe36da656c)
 Electronic circuit schematic drawing program
Update Information:

Update to ngspice 26 release, mot-adms 2.3.4 release.

 xen-4.5.1-13.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-46b18ccdc3)
 Xen is a virtual machine monitor
Update Information:

Qemu: net: virtio-net possible remote DoS [CVE-2015-7295]

  [ 1 ] Bug #1264381 - CVE-2015-7295 Qemu: net: virtio-net possible remote DoS

 zxing-3.2.1-2.fc23 (FEDORA-2015-c551c5b68b)
 Java multi-format 1D/2D bar-code image processing library
Update Information:

Initial packaging

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