[Fedora-trans-bg] Self-Introduction: Doncho Nicolaev Gunchev

fedora-trans-bg at redhat.com fedora-trans-bg at redhat.com
Sat Apr 21 08:47:05 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

  Hello all,
My name is Doncho Nicolaev Gunchev.
I am from Pazardjik, working in Sofia, Bulgaria EET/EEST (GMT+2/GMT+3 summer).
I am working as system administrator and sometimes software developer in a
company called Global Net Solutions.

I am working on the Bulgarian translation of fedora since 2004. I use fedora
on my desktop and laptop PCs and some servers, where newest cutting edge
technology is needed.

I have reported some bugs, even some patches, in various open source projects.
I have some experience in C, Assembler, PHP, HTML, CSS, trying to find some
time for Python...

$ gpg --fingerprint 0x0EF40B9E
pub   1024D/0EF40B9E 2007-04-20
      Key fingerprint = 63CB A9B5 EC79 CD47 C1AA  2D57 E9CE 556F 0EF4 0B9E
uid                  Doncho N. Gunchev <gunchev at gmail.com>
sub   1024g/D01AF78C 2007-04-20

- --
 Doncho N. Gunchev,
   Sofia, Bulgaria
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)


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