[Fedora-trans-de] [Fedora-trans-announce] ignore small changed in POT file in release-notes

fedora-trans-announce at redhat.com fedora-trans-announce at redhat.com
So Apr 13 14:40:04 UTC 2008

On Friday I made an update to the kernel version in en_US/Kernel.xml.

We decided to wait until all translations were in, then change the
string by hand in the PO files.

Yesterday a new POT was accidentally built and committed.  You are free
to accept this change yourself, or you can let me fix the PO file later.

One change was introduced:  kernel 2.4.24 => kernel 2.4.25rc

Sorry for any confusion.  In the future we'll make sure to send
announcements for any changes like this to avoid problems.

Thanks - Karsten
Karsten Wade, Sr. Developer Community Mgr.
Dev Fu : http://developer.redhatmagazine.com
Fedora : http://quaid.fedorapeople.org
gpg key : AD0E0C41
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