[Fedora-trans-de] Self-Introduction: Hedda Peters

Hedda Peters hpeters at redhat.com
Do Mär 26 23:14:42 UTC 2009

Hello everyone,

my name is Hedda Peters, from Brisbane, Australia.
My FAS username is hedda, and I would be translating into my native 
language German.

I am working as a Technical Translator for Red Hat APAC. After having 
started translating various Red Hat / JBoss documentation, it is now 
time for me to join the Fedora Community in order to contribute to the 
F11 translation.
I am still fairly new at Red Hat (3 months) and obviously very new in 
the Fedora Community (10 Minutes...), so any support would be much 

I am looking forward to being part of the Fedora-Community, getting to 
know some of the other contributing translators, and to getting started 
on F11 as soon as possible!

If you have any questions about my person, my possible contribution or 
anything else, don't hesitate to contact me.


[hpeters at hpeters ~]$ gpg --fingerprint EB38B543
pub   1024D/EB38B543 2009-03-26
     Key fingerprint = 96F9 59F8 DD6F 9579 DB02  0472 6364 18E3 EB38 B543
uid                  Hedda Peters (Technical Translator) 
<hpeters at redhat.com>
sub   2048g/EDA3CD12 2009-03-26