[Fedora-trans-de] Self introduction Cindy Ludwig German

Cindy Ludwig cludwig at nixpanic.net
Mi Apr 13 18:01:36 UTC 2011

Hello all,

Name: Cindy Ludwig
Location: currently Guildford, UK
User name: cludwig
Language: German
Profession: technical translator, originally economics, process
engineering but surrounded by open source enthusiasts for so long I
would like to understand more about the subject
About Me: language nerd but still enough to learn Linux wise
Me and the Fedora Project: love the community spirit and seeing
familiar names contributing to Fedora projects (the world is so

As I don't yet know where to start I am happy for suggestions. I would
like to begin with some proofreading to get into the swing of things.

Looking forward to the project work :o),
