[Fedora-trans-de] [Fwd: Announce, Release Notes currently in translation]

Roman Spirgi bigant at fedoraproject.org
Sa Apr 28 06:56:36 UTC 2012

Die Release Notes für F17 stehen zur Übersetzung bereit, siehe


-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Von: Kévin Raymond <shaiton at fedoraproject.org>
Reply-to: Fedora Translation Project List
<trans at lists.fedoraproject.org>
An: trans <trans at lists.fedoraproject.org>
Kopie: For participants of the Documentation Project
<docs at lists.fedoraproject.org>, Mailing list for French Fedora
Translation process <trans-fr at lists.fedoraproject.org>
Betreff: Announce, Release Notes currently in translation
Datum: Sat, 28 Apr 2012 01:55:58 +0200

Hi translators,

We have updated the Fedora 17 Release Notes POT in transifex.net,
please, start translating them:

You'll notice that few files (Accounts, Entertainment, Boot,
Dedication, Networking, Web_Servers) are not accepting translations,
that's because we don't have those sections in the current RN. We will
clean that later.

You should be able to proofread online at
Please come back to the docs team if translations are not updated, I
haven't checked if they are currently rebuilt daily (they should).

Be aware that we could update the some bit of the Release Notes if
feel the need to.
I could already told you that Security.po will be lighter as the
firewalld will probably be dropped (feature moved to F18). <= jjmcd,

Sincere apologies for being this late to provides POTs, we still are
setting the right process and writing some scripts…
And the maitainers thought that we already had them on transifex.

Best Regards,

Kévin Raymond
trans mailing list
trans at lists.fedoraproject.org

Roman Spirgi
Fedora L10N German Team Coordination
m: bigant at fedoraproject.org

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