[Fedora-trans-de] my short introduction

Roman Spirgi bigant at fedoraproject.org
Fr Jun 6 22:41:59 UTC 2014

Dear Thomas,

Welcome to the Fedora L10N Project :)
If you've any further questions where to start you can ask them on our
trans-de list.


Glad that someone reads the instructions how to join ;)

2014-06-06 18:08 GMT+02:00 Thomas Heinze <heinze-th at gmx.de>:

> Hello Members,
> my name is Thomas and I live in Stuttgart, Germany. My first contact
> with Fedora was an old RedHat 8.0 and I used this Distribution until
> Fedora Core 3. After that I touched a little the Debian and FreeBSD
> Univers. Two years ago I returned to RedHat as an Scientific Linux
> User.
> I like to observe the translation from English to German a little to get
> in touch with the Fedora Project. At this time I do not have any special
> interests for translating items (software or documentation). First of
> all I have to follow all the steps to become a Member of the Fedora
> Community.
> My login to FAS is "whitesox" and my public PGP-Key is attached to this
> mail. I hope we will get in touch with some time.
> Best regards from Germany,
> Thomas
> --
> trans mailing list
> trans at lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/trans
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