[Fedora-trans-es] Translating manpages

Domingo Becker domingobecker at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 01:53:26 UTC 2010

2010/4/6 Ruediger Landmann <r.landmann at redhat.com>:
> On 04/06/2010 11:59 PM, Domingo Becker wrote:
>> It seems to be a bit more complicated than translating po files.
>> Man pages are in nroff/troff format.
>> So the problem here is to convert that format to .po format to allow
>> translations with our tools and then back to nroff/troff format.
> po4a (PO for All) can do manpage-to-PO and back:
> http://po4a.alioth.debian.org/
> This is already packaged for Fedora -- to try it out,
> yum install po4a
> then to convert a manpage called cgget.1 into a PO file (for example, in
> fr-FR):
> po4a-gettextize -f man -m cgget.1 -p cgget-fr-FR.po
> then, to apply the PO file to the manpage:
> po4a-translate -f man -m cgget.1 -p cgget-fr-FR.po -l cgget.fr.1
> (NB -- I don't know the naming conventions for translated manpages --
> this is an example only).

Thanks a lot, Rudi!  :-)
That's what I'm talking about.

Dimitris: you started this thread. What's the procedure to ask for a
new package in translate.fp.o?
The package I want to create is man-pages-es with multiple .po files.

kind regards

Domingo Becker (es)

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