Fwd: Removing duplicate teams

Mario Santagiuliana fedora at marionline.it
Wed Jun 29 15:08:48 UTC 2011

In data 29/6/2011 12:51:55, Silvio ha scritto:
> If you are a team leader and want to do the overwrite yourself (that'd
> be great!) here's an (untested) recipe:
>  $ tx set --auto-remote
> https://www.transifex.net/projects/p/fedora/r/fedora-15-docs/
>  $ tx pull --translations --language nl_NL
>  ### Edit .tx/config file: Add ``lang_map = nl: nl_NL``
>  $ tx push --translations --language nl_NL  ### This will now push to
> nl on server
>  ### Remove nl_NL language from server (button available on popup)
> One way would be to give some time for team leaders to run the above.
> Then I could take backup of all files, migrate them to new teams and
> remove unnecessary teams. Then the Docs folks can remove the extra,
> unnecessary files.
> -d
> Okay, today i'll try to do this recipe to move Italian translation
> from it_IT group to it, if there's still time.
> Silvio.
> --
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Ciao Silvio, dunque sei tu che devi fare il lavoro in qualità di 
coordinatore del team it_IT, giusto?
Ma sul sito web non ci sono risorse di questo team:
O sbaglio?
Mario Santagiuliana
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