Some serious problems!

许亮 xuliag701 at
Thu Oct 13 05:36:18 UTC 2005

I have used Fedora Core 4 for many days , but when I restarted my system
today, I found I can not log in with GUI, the system only give me some error
information like “The display server have been shut down for about 6 times
in the past 90 seconds, it seems some bad thing will go on ………. ” I
cannot remember the full information. I just don’t know what is a display
server and is there something wrong with it .i want to know how can I solve
this problems? Is the rescue disc helpful to me, how can I use it to restore
my system? I hope you can do something to help me, and please send me back
your reply  as soon as possible . Thank you for reading.


Yours sincerely

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