Fedora 19 致谢体恤衫

tiansworld tiansworld在fedoraproject.org
星期二 七月 2 02:39:15 UTC 2013

为了感谢对 Fedora 19 发行作出积极贡献的社区人员,EMEA
制作了感谢体恤衫回报翻译人员。但由于翻译人数众多,体恤数量有限。因此决定将体恤送给 Fedora


所以在这里号召各位,把自己在 Fedora 19 翻译中所做的贡献讲一下。比如翻译了哪些组件,多少行等等。好可以选出这名参与最多的人员。

时间有限,如果你们没有选出,那我会根据我的判断,直接进行提名(我有这个权力 :D)。


According to what has been established, EMEA produced T-shirt to celebrate
the F19 release to present to the people more involved in the release. It
is best to present them to every translator involved. However the number of
T-shirt is limited, and you, as the coordinators of top10 software
translation completion languages, are nominated to receive this 'Thank You'
T-shirt. Also another T-shirt for each team is ready to present to the most
involved translator.
1) Please nominate the most involved translator in your team.
2) Please collect the postal address and the size of the nominated
3) Please reply to Gabriele directly with yours and your nominated
translator's postal addresses and the sizes.


Fedora Project Contributor
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