CVS question, concurrent translations

Томислав Марковски tome at
Tue Jul 27 06:22:45 UTC 2004

Hello, this is my question:
Recently, two of our translation team members (I and another member) 
accidentaly worked on the same .po file. I didn't notice that he has 
already "Take"n the file. Sometime after, I did a "cvs up" and our 
translations didn't match. So I had some lines in the file which pointed 
my version and his versio delimited by ">>>>> his trans ===== my trans 
<<<<<<" and so on. It was hard to remove them manually, since a lot of 
work has been done. I solved this by deleting the .po file and did a 
"cvs up" again, which downloaded his version only. Is there a way to 
overwrite my changes when updating using some cvs commands?


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