Wierd error message: [redhat-config-samba/bg.po] is not assigned to you

Николай Николай
Tue Sep 28 23:23:53 UTC 2004

Hello I am trying to commit samba and users changes 
but I am getting the follow error

[nikolayds at mike system-config-samba]$ cvs commit bg.po
Enter passphrase for key '/home/nikolayds/.ssh/id_dsa':
Testing bg.po...
[redhat-config-samba/bg.po] is not assigned to you.
**** Access allowed: nikolay is in ACL for redhat-config-samba/po.
cvs server: Pre-commit check failed
cvs [server aborted]: correct above errors first!
cvs commit: saving log message in /tmp/cvs0EFpQm
[nikolayds at mike system-config-samba]$

although it is assigned to me and I just check it out from the cvs.


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