Release notes translation -- what's up?

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Sun Oct 1 14:09:57 UTC 2006

Paul W. Frields wrote:

>> It seems that beat writers were not keen on writing before fc6 final
>> release, then I should suggest that translators may need much more of a
>> week to translate the final relnotes issue. Moreover, more time could
>> avoid the panic/confusion that we saw this week.
> I couldn't agree more, Thomas.  The blame falls on a lot of different
> factors:

0. Our development processes need to be planned a bit ahead so that we 
dont see many last changes in the packages, artwork etc.

> 1.  The wiki makes it easier for people to put up release notes, but it
> also makes them easier to change.  A lot of these changes are minor or
> cosmetic, but they still result in untranslated strings.  I watched the
> wiki all summer, and edited it constantly to make sure that the language
> was clear and easier to translate.  But the result is that translators
> are not necessarily saving themselves work by translating early and
> often.  And yes, too many beat writers are waiting until the last
> minute.


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