What needs to be done to have a language added to the installer

A S Alam aalam at redhat.com
Wed Apr 18 05:56:37 UTC 2007

Alexandru Szasz ਨੇ ਲਿਖਿਆ:
> Hello
> With fedora's site moving now, I didn't find anything on what needs to
> be done to have the fedora installer available in a new language.
> I've been watching that the Essential Modules from the status page (
> http://elvis.redhat.com/cgi-bin/i18n-status?page=status&branch=HEAD&locale=ro&essential=1 
> ) are at 100%, but although this has been done, in the last test
> release I still don't have romanian in the installer.
just need a bug:)
detail at:

let us know, if still have problem in process


A S Alam
#fedora-l10n (freenode)
tz GMT+5:30
"Either find a way or Make one"

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