l18n signup doesn't accept my pub ssh key. Help!

Yuan Yijun bbbush.yuan at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 02:42:32 UTC 2007

2007/8/20, مصطفے قاسم <alajal at gmail.com>:
> Hello!
>           I am new at l10n project. I was trying to follow the steps written
> in TQSG about signup at l18n signup page
> http://i18n.redhat.com/cgi-bin/i18n-signup.I did what is
> described in the TQSG's step 2.2. Accounts for Software Translation. But at
> the sigup page when i past my pub ssh key it returns me an error saying that
> my ssh key is not valid. Please help me in this matter. I've attached my pub
> ssh key file.

I don't think you have to go there.

http://translate.fedoraproject.org is the right place, and fedora
account and cvsl10n group is the only thing needed.

bbbush ^_^

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