is there a simple way to get the po files for Tigrinya [ti]

Xavier Conde Rueda xavi.conde at
Thu May 10 08:58:17 UTC 2007


2007/5/10, ibrahim mahfuz <mahfuzdinish at>:
> hello fedora guys
> Thank you for the quick replay.
> i have already created a CVS acount from my windows PC but i can check out
> the PO files. this could be coz i have very bad and slow connection to the
> Internet. So could you please inform me if there is an alternative simpler
> way to get the PO files.
> cheers

You can get anonymous access in, but you need commit
rights in order to commit the translations. This page explains how to
do it in Windows:

Hope this helps.

Google talk/Jabber: xavi.conde a

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