cvsl10n vs cvsdocs

Xavier Conde Rueda xavi.conde at
Mon Nov 26 09:05:21 UTC 2007


> Now, a lot of translators are member of cvsdocs. But you maybe not need
> that: if you're not working on the original docs, you don't need that.
> Having cvsl10n group membership is enough: you get all access to /po
> directories and files.

indeed having access to cvsdocs is needed, because in order to build
documentation you need to create a "Draft" image and commit it, and
you need cvsdocs access for this. This step is only needed the first
time you translate documentation, and for the remaining documentation,
having cvsl10n is enough because you only have to translate po files.

> So should we revoke everyone just translating from cvsdocs and add them
> to cvsl10n (if you're not in there yet).

IMHO, nope. Instead, we should be sure that cvsl10n membership is
enough for translators to work on documentation, and that cvsdocs is
not needed (i.e. allow cvsl10n to commit the "draft" images).

Google talk/Jabber: xavi.conde a

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